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How could we create designs that are a part of nature, very much embedded in it’s natural cycles?

Studio Interweave

Consultant Project

The kagome weave algorithm was used to create a 6ft tall and 22ft wide structure from very large continuous bamboo strips. This was the output of a workshop I had done in collaboration with Studio Interweave and Echostream Pvt. Ltd.

The People

The structure wouldn't have been possible without the amazing people of Sikkim. Kailash Daju and Upen from Studio Interweave. Palden and Nimmit master bamboo craftsmen. Sonam and Ongchuk from Studio Echostream. And the many many more people that helped out.


The Workshop

The workshop was conducted with 15 participants. They were exposed to the kagome weaving technique and how to manipulate it. A methodical understanding of the weave was developed by introducing the concept of valence weaves and intentionally introducing errors into the weave to manipulate it the way you want. The goal was to develop the intuition for parabolic, elliptical and developable surfaces and how they can be achieved with a weave.

We started by building small models of the larger structure that we wanted to build. We used the computational tools developed to aid in the design. For the participants this was the first time where they were able to generate iterations using a computer and translate them into physical model in front of them by just weaving paper strips with their hands.

Making is a form of understanding. Tools and materials allow us to poke around the world.

The Model

The final structure was collectively ideated and executed. It was planned to be built on top of an existing abandoned structure outside the studio. Our design parameters were fed to the algorithm that computed the final shape and dimensions. A scaled down model was built from this CAD model that helped with the final construction of the larger pavilion.

The Struggle

Everything works on CAD but making something a reality is the biggest challenge. Supporting the large bamboo strips during the initial stages was the most challenging and needed multiple helping hands to hold the strips up. The strips also were too thick which is something we hadn't accounted for. There was a lot of friction when we were trying to weave the strips together. But we managed to push it through with a lot of difficulty.

Dome and Pavilion

The participants also decided to make a dome with the new tools they had learned. They followed the computational design process and built something that they were proud of.

The final pavilion turned out to be magnificent arching it way through the overgrown vines and shrubs. It adds to the beautiful landscape outside Studio Interweave and goes well with their story as well.

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