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How can tiny changes in design accumulate to create a larger systemic change?

Echostream Pvt. Ltd.

Consultant project

A cloudburst collapsed Sikkim's only and largest electricity dam that caused massive flooding, loss of life and livelihood. The citizens and various stakeholders wanted to take action but were not sure where to start. This workshop was planned and designed to help create a collective future and decide what action to take to create that future a reality. We had 50 participants from all over Sikkim. These were teachers, students, policy makers, architects, anthropologist, scholars, and many more.

What image comes to mind when you think about the word - Utopia?


Everyone was given a task to draw what comes to mind when they think of the word - 'Utopia'. They were then asked to shared what they had drawn and why. Some people had flying cars and tall buildings but most drew a simple life with plenty of nature, small house and more importantly the whole community being happy. This set the stage for what the participants want to expect going ahead and also a gentle introduction to each other.


The Workshop

The workshop consisted of 4 intensive activities that I had designed loosely inspired by the Actionable Futures Toolkit. Each activity followed into the next. The future cones activity asked everyone to brainstorm the ideal future based on previous context cards and place it into how feasible they think this will be in the future. 


Each group had chosen their main interest area based on the expertise present in their group. Towards the end, we had a master action list of areas that were ranked from things everyone thought had least impact to things having the most impact. Every group also had a short presentation sharing their discussion and outcomes with the whole group.

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