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Tac-Tiles is a research project trying to understand the context of blind people, specifically children. The project focuses on the sense of touch and its sensitivity.

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Elementary Classroom at BPA

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Dhruvi is diagnosed with an eye condition which will cause her to completely lose her eyesight in 2 years. It is critical for Dhruvi to have her other senses sensitized while she has partial vision.

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Priya is exceptionally talented in mathematics. With the right guidance and assistance Priya Priya aims to top her grade.

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The texture library is created to test the sensitivity of touch towards various surfaces, granularities, and undulations. They are also associated with common day-to-day objects.

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Tested the texture library with Dhruvi and Priya. They were asked to relate the textures to day-to-day objects. We received feedback from them about their experience. They both were very accepting of the activity and enjoyed the sensory perception.

Through this research, we were able to understanding the granularities of the perception of touch, how rough or how smooth a surface should be for the sense to be registered, and how association of touch with object works.

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